My oracle is taking a slightly different direction. I'm now playing with a design of an organig organ, which fits better to the whole story.
Furthermore I hollowed the biggest parts not just to safe resin, but also to avoid to strong pulling forces during the print.
After 6,5 hours I had all my pieces and started cleaning and assembling the model to check for minor issues before I put the model as .stl into my shop.
I already noticed a few areas with a very tight locking, which means I had to go back to Zbrush and tweak my boolean opperations.
The next testprint is already in progress :)
Hey hey,
I'm working on a new printable bust. My inspiration was an elderly character with ... of course more alien anatomy but humanoid features.
Here are a few WIP shots of the current process. I will add a few more folds around the stitches and maybe a few more wrinkles on her face. Furthermore a small pose, could be the extra detail I need for her.
Initial sculpt with way to strong features but that's OK because then I can easily reduce and tweak the values.
So I tried different versions for the horns ...
And finally I found the right balance :D
Hey hey,
I detailed the weapon for the bust.
Based on the "Blockout", I made a few more splits and I adjusted the proportions on the handle to fit better into the alien hand (also it's better for the printing process, so everything fits together smoothly)
and here is a test rendering in Keyshot
I made a few changes on the overall design. Sharper corners for the armor plates, more nasty parts (I made a imperial guard head for his backpack), different shapes for the area around the belly. I still have to work on a few areas and details, but my latest test rendering looks promising.
Oh and this image is just for fun :D
Plague marine update
I refined a lot of shapes and learned interesting stuff about space marine lore :D
I think I'm almost done with the secondary shapes (one big part is still the helmet) But my render tests are promissing. I have to keep in mind that I would cut the model in a few pieces for printing, so everything should be as tight as possible.